Journal Articles
Five Year Experience of Valvular Reconstructions for Non-healing Leg Ulceration due to Deep Venous Reflux – Lessons learned Published: 09/09/2024
Could gut-liver function derangements cause chronic venous insufficiency? Published: 09/09/2024
Angioplasty and stenting of the obstructed iliac vein Published: 09/09/2024
Impact of native iliac vein aspect ratio on initial clinical presentation and outcomes following stenting for symptomatic chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction Published: 04/25/2024
Noninvasive measurement of ambulatory venous pressure via
column interruption duration in chronic venous disease Published: 02/28/2024
Novel venous balloon for
compliance measurement and
stent sizing in a post-thrombotic
swine model Published: 11/22/2023
The beneficial role of complex decongestive therapy in patients
with symptomatic chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction with
phlebolymphedema Published: 08/29/2023
Inguinal intranodal lymphangiography reveals a high incidence
of suprainguinal lymphatic disease in patients with leg edema
undergoing stenting for symptomatic chronic iliofemoral
venous obstruction Published: 06/06/2023
An Overview of Specific Considerations in Chronic Venous
Disease and Iliofemoral Venous Stenting Published: 02/14/2023
Technique of stent sizing in patients with symptomatic chronic
iliofemoral venous obstruction—the case for intravascular
ultrasound-determined inflow channel luminal area-based stenting and associated long-term outcomes Published: 01/30/2023
Iliac vein stent failure in community practice and results of corrective reinterventions Published: 01/02/2023
Plethysmographic features of calf pump failure in chronic venous
obstruction and reflux Published: 11/15/2022
Assessment of flow mechanics in the lower extremity venous
system Published: 11/01/2022
Clinical tolerance of untreated reflux after iliac vein stent
placement Published: 10/17/2022
Comparison between a dedicated venous stent and standard
composite WallstenteZ stent approach to iliofemoral venous
stenting: Intermediate-term outcomes Published: 07/21/2022
Percutaneous laser recanalization in chronically occluded iliofemoral venous stents Published: 07/06/2022
Iliofemoral venous configurations from three-dimensional
computed tomography venogram and their relevance to stent
design Published: 07/06/2022
Options in the treatment of superficial and deep venous disease in
patients with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome Published: 06/29/2022
Extension of iliac vein stent into the profunda femoral vein
for salvage Published: 05/10/2022
Comparison of intravascular ultrasound and magnetic resonance
venography in the diagnosis of chronic iliac venous disease Published: 05/10/2022
Long-term improvement of limb reflux prevalence and severity after iliac vein stent placement Published: 03/02/2022
Improvement following Restoration of Inline Flow Argues against Comprehensive Thrombus Removal
Strategies and for Selective Stenting in Acute Symptomatic Iliofemoral Venous Thrombosis Published: 03/01/2022
An overview of in-stent restenosis in iliofemoral venous stents Published: 11/11/2021
Iliofemoral venous stenting in patients with central neuromuscular
disorders Published: 10/22/2021
Aspiration mechanical thrombectomy for treatment of acute iliofemoral and central deep venous thrombosis Published: 10/20/2021
Utility of a Mechanical Thrombectomy Device in Treating Calcified Instent Restenosis Post Iliofemoral Venous Stenting Published: 10/17/2021
Management of iatrogenic inferior vena cava perforation with composite Wallstent—Z-stent technique Published: 09/17/2021
Effect of body mass index on initial presentation and outcomes
after stenting for quality of lifeeimpairing chronic iliofemoral
venous obstruction Published: 08/04/2021
In-stent restenosis and stent compression following stenting for
chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction Published: 06/23/2021
Utility of the 50% stenosis criterion for patients undergoing
stenting for chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction Published: 06/05/2021
Comparison of intravascular ultrasound and multidimensional
contrast imaging modalities for characterization of chronic
occlusive iliofemoral venous disease: A systematic review Published: 05/06/2021
Dimensional disparity between duplex
and intravascular ultrasound in the
assessment of iliac vein stenosis Published: 04/12/2021
Role of laser ablation in recalcitrant instent restenosis post
iliofemoral venous stenting Published: 03/21/2021
A unique complication of double barrel Wallstent technique in
iliac-caval stenting Published: 02/09/2021
Experimental analysis of aspect ratio in iliac vein stenosis Published: 12/09/2020
Long-term outcomes following use of a composite Wallstent-Z
stent approach to iliofemoral venous stenting Published: 08/22/2020
Three-dimensional computed tomography venogram enables
accurate diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting with
symptomatic chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction Published: 08/12/2020
Pressure dynamics in chronic venous disease Published: 05/24/2020
The two-segment caliber method of diagnosing iliac vein stenosis on routine computed tomography with contrast enhancement Published: 05/13/2020
Contralateral limb improvement after unilateral iliac vein
stenting argues against simultaneous bilateral stenting Published: 05/04/2020
Impact of Presence of Inferior Vena Cava
Filter on Iliocaval Stent Outcomes Published: 04/09/2020
Contralateral limb improvement after unilateral iliac vein stenting Published: 03/19/2020
Contralateral Limb Improvement in Patients
Undergoing Iliofemoral Venous Stenting Published: 03/01/2020
Effect of iliofemoral-caval venous intervention on lower extremity compartment pressure in patients with chronic venous insufficiency Published: 02/01/2020
An alternative explanation for the phasic variations in venous flow Published: 01/26/2020
Impact of degree of stenosis in May-Thurner syndrome on iliac vein stenting Published: 12/01/2019
Diagnostic yield of intravascular ultrasound in patients
with clinical signs and symptoms of lower extremity
venous disease Published: 12/01/2019
Peripheral venous hypertension in chronic venous disease Published: 09/01/2019
Measurement of ambulatory venous pressure and
column interruption duration in normal volunteers Published: 09/01/2019
The diagnostic unreliability of classic physical signs of
lymphedema (From the American Venous Forum) Published: 07/01/2019
Grading venous stenosis is different from arterial lesions Published: 05/01/2019
Ambulatory venous pressure, air plethysmography, and
the role of calf venous pump in chronic venous disease Published: 05/01/2019
A comparison between intravascular ultrasound and
venography in identifying key parameters essential for
iliac vein stenting Published: 03/19/2019
In-Stent Restenosis After Iliocaval Stenting—Characteristics and Outcomes Published: 03/01/2019
Caliber-targeted reinterventional overdilation of iliac
vein Wallstents Published: 03/01/2019
Leaders in Venous Surgery: Robert Linton Kistner (1929) Published: 01/01/2019
Characteristics and outcomes of stent occlusion after
iliocaval stenting Published: 11/01/2018
JVS-VL Invited Commentary: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders Published: 05/01/2018
Venous Ulcers Associated with Deep Venous Insufficiency Published: 04/05/2018
Abstract: The Diagnostic Unreliability of “Classic” Physical Signs of Lymphedema Published: 03/01/2018
A systematic review of the efficacy and limitations of venous
intervention in stasis ulceration Published: 02/01/2018
Optimal sizing of iliac vein stents Published: 07/17/2017
JVS-VL Invited Commentary: Chronic Total Occlusions Published: 07/01/2017
Factors influencing peripheral venous pressure in an
experimental model Published: 05/24/2017
Outcomes of iliac vein stents after pregnancy Published: 05/01/2017
Peripheral venous pressure before and after iliac vein stenting Published: 01/05/2017
Deep venous thrombosis associated with caval extension
of iliac stents Published: 01/01/2017
Endovascular Management of Chronic Total Occlusions
of the Inferior Vena Cava and Iliac Veins Published: 07/01/2016
Compression use in the era of endovenous
interventions and wound care centers Published: 03/23/2016
Effect of External Positive and Negative Pressure on Venous Flow in an Experimental Model Published: 01/01/2016
Treatment of iliac-caval outflow obstruction Published: 07/17/2015
Relative importance of iliac vein obstruction in
patients with post-thrombotic femoral vein
occlusion Published: 04/01/2015
Utility of iliac vein stenting in elderly population older than 80 years Published: 01/01/2015
Quantifying saphenous reflux Published: 01/01/2015
Anomalous features of iliac vein stenosis that affect
diagnosis and treatment Published: 07/01/2014
Assessment of residual thrombus after venous
thrombolytic regimens Published: 04/01/2014
A modification of iliac vein stent technique Published: 03/12/2014
Venous Stenting: Expectations and
Reservations Published: 07/01/2013
Endovenous management of venous leg ulcers Published: 04/01/2013
Best management options for chronic iliac vein
stenosis and occlusion Published: 04/01/2013
Hemodynamics of "critical" venous stenosis and
stent treat1nent Published: 01/01/2013
Long-term outcomes of stent placement for symptomatic non-thrombotic iliac vein compression lesions in chronic venous disease Published: 04/23/2012
Regarding “The development of the
postthrombotic syndrome in relationship to
venous reflux and calf muscle pump dysfunction at
2 years after the onset of deep venous thrombosis” Published: 04/01/2012
Postural and Ambulatory Changes in Regional Flow and Skin Perfusion Published: 01/01/2012
Diagnosis and treatment of venous lymphedema Published: 01/01/2012
Stenting of chronically obstructed inferior vena
cava filters Published: 07/01/2011
Iliac vein stenting in postmenopausal leg swelling Published: 01/01/2011
Critical issues in ulcer prevention in post-thrombotic disease Published: 11/15/2010
Correcting Venous Insufficiency
Improves Healing of Venous Ulcers Published: 11/14/2010
Venous ulcer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of reocurrences Published: 05/12/2010
Bilateral stenting at the iliocaval confluence Published: 04/12/2010
Unexpected major role for venous stenting in
deep reflux disease Published: 02/01/2010
Iliac-caval stenting in the obese Published: 11/01/2009
Percutaneous recanalization of total occlusions of
the iliac vein Published: 08/01/2009
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
and Varicose Veins Published: 05/28/2009
Reinterventions for nonocclusive iliofemoral
venous stent malfunctions Published: 02/01/2009
Venous stenting across the inguinal ligament Published: 11/01/2008
Stents for Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Why, Where, How, and When — A Review Published: 07/01/2008
Spontaneous Onset of Bacterial Cellulitis in Lower
Limbs with Chronic Obstructive Venous Disease Published: 06/03/2008
Endovenous treatment of patients with iliac-caval venous obstruction Published: 02/01/2008
Iliac vein outflow obstruction in 'primary'
chronic venous disease Published: 01/01/2008
Secondary chronic venous disorders Published: 12/01/2007
Primary chronic venous disorders Published: 12/01/2007
Use of Compression Stockings in Chronic
Venous Disease: Patient Compliance and Efficacy Published: 11/01/2007
Stenting of the venous outflow in chronic venous
disease: Long-term stent-related outcome, clinical, and hemodynamic result Published: 11/01/2007
Obstructive lesions of the inferior vena cava:
Clinical features and endovenous treatment Published: 10/01/2006
Combined saphenous ablation and iliac stent
placement for complex severe chronic venous disease Published: 10/01/2006
High prevalence of nonthrombotic iliac vein
lesions in chronic venous disease: A permissive role in pathogenicity Published: 07/01/2006
Laser, "Closure," Stents and Other New
Technology in the Treatment of
Venous Disease Published: 10/01/2004
Venous Flow Restriction: The Role of Vein Wall Motion in Venous Admixture Published: 08/01/2004
Hemodynamic and clinical impact of ultrasound-derived venous reflux parameters Published: 08/01/2004
In-stent recurrent stenosis in stents placed in the lower extremity venous outflow tract Published: 01/01/2004
Venous outflow obstruction: An underestimated contributor to chronic venous disease Published: 11/01/2003
Venous reflux repair with cryopreserved vein valves Published: 03/01/2003
Recanalization of totally occluded iliac and
adjacent venous segments Published: 11/01/2002
The development of postthrombotic syndrome in relationship to venous reflux and calf muscle pump dysfunction at 2 years after the onset of deep venous thrombosis Published: 06/01/2002
Intravascular ultrasound scan evaluation of the
obstructed vein Published: 04/01/2002
Proximal Lower Extremity Chronic Venous Outflow
Obstruction: Recognition and Treatment Published: 03/01/2002
The clinical impact of iliac venous stents in the management of chronic venous insufficiency Published: 01/01/2002
Reversal of abnormal lymphoscintigraphy after
placement of venous stents for correction of
associated venous obstruction Published: 11/01/2001
Current Trends In The Management of Deep Venous
Thrombosis and Postthrombotic Syndrome Published: 02/01/2001
Venous leg ulcer: surgical versus nonsurgical treatments Published: 01/01/2001
Endovascular Surgery in the Treatment of Chronic Primary and Post-thrombotic Iliac Vein Obstruction Published: 12/01/2000
Transcommissural valvuloplasty:
Technique and results Published: 11/01/2000
Differences in pressures of the popliteal,
long saphenous, and dorsal foot veins Published: 11/01/2000
Post-thrombotic disease: deep and superficial. Case of secondary deep venous disease-something can always be done. Published: 06/01/2000
Ambulatory venous pressure revisited Published: 06/01/2000
Popliteal vein entrapment: A benign
venographic feature or a pathologic entity? Published: 04/01/2000
Venous Valve Station Changes in "Primary"
and Postthrombotic Reflux: An Analysis of
149 Cases Published: 01/01/2000
Venous Reconstruction Techniques Published: 01/01/2000
Balloon Dilation and Stenting of Chronic Iliac
Vein Obstruction: Technical Aspects and Early Clinical Outcome Published: 01/01/2000
A multicenter, phase I evaluation of
cryopreserved venous valve allografts for
the treatment of chronic deep venous
insufficiency Published: 11/01/1999
Studies in Calf Venous Pump Function Utilizing a Two-valve Experimental Model Published: 06/01/1999
Axillary vein transfer in trabeculated
postthrombotic veins Published: 06/01/1999
Ambulatory Venous Hypertension: Component Analysis in 373 Limbs Published: 05/01/1999
Axillary Vein Valve Transplantation in Patients with Advanced Chronic Venous Insufficiency:
Long-Term Valvular Competence and Clinical Success Published: 01/01/1999
Saphenectomy in the presence of chronic venous obstruction Published: 06/01/1998
Axial transformation of the profunda femoris vein Published: 04/01/1998
Catheter-directed Thrombolysis for Deep Venous Thrombosis Published: 03/01/1998
Valve reconstruction procedures for
nonobstructive venous insufficiency:
Rationale, techniques, and results in 107
procedures with two- to eight-year follow-up Published: 02/01/1998
Tube Collapse and Valve Closure in Ambulatory Venous Pressure Regulation: Studies With a Mechanical Model Published: 02/01/1998
Ultrastructure of Evolving Deep Venous Collaterals Published: 04/01/1997
Technical Options in Venous
Valve Reconstruction Published: 04/01/1997
Classification and grading of chronic venous disease in the lower limbs. A consensus statement. Published: 11/12/1996
Durability of venous valve reconstruction
techniques for "primary'' and postthrombotic reflux Published: 02/01/1996
Classification and Grading of Chronic Venous Disease in the Lower Limbs: A Consensus Statement Published: 01/01/1996
The pressure/volume relationship of the calf:
A measurement of vein compliance? Published: 06/01/1995
Compliance of the normal and post-thrombotic calf Published: 06/01/1995
Antireflux Procedure After Previous Esophagogastrectomy Published: 12/01/1994
Reporting standards in venous disease: An update. Prepared by the subcommittee on reporting standards in venous disease Published: 09/22/1994
Persistent sciatic artery: Embryology, pathology, and treatment Published: 08/01/1993
Detection of outflow obstruction in chronic venous insufficiency Published: 03/01/1993
Observations on the calf venous pump mechanism: Determinants of postexercise pressure Published: 03/01/1993
A rational approach to detection of
significant reflux with duplex Doppler
scanning and air plethysmography Published: 03/01/1993
Racial Differences in the Survival of Cadaveric Renal Allografts: Overriding Effects of HLA Matching and Socioeconomic Factors Published: 09/17/1992
Hemodynamic basis of stasis ulceration -A Hypothesis. (Letter to the Editors) Published: 09/09/1992
A comparison between descending phlebography and duplex Doppler investigation in the evaluation of reflux in chronic venous insufficiency: A challenge to phlebology as the "gold standard" Published: 07/07/1992
Venous obstruction: An analysis of one hundred thirty-seven cases with hemodynamic, venographic, and clinical correlations Published: 09/01/1991
Iliofemoral venous thrombectomy followed by
percutaneous closure of the temporary
arteriovenous fistula Published: 09/01/1991
Hemodynamic basis of stasis ulceration -
A hypothesis Published: 04/01/1991
Single- and Double-lung Transplantation: Problems and Possible Solutions Published: 06/01/1990
Arterial Surgery for Arm Ischemia: A Survey of 136 Patients Published: 06/01/1990
Organ Preservation Injury in Small Bowel Transplantation Published: 01/01/1990
A Tribute to the Late Dr. Ryo Shimazu: A Chronic Bowel Allograft Model in the Rat Published: 01/01/1990
Relationship Between Deep Venous Reflux and Varicose Veins Published: 01/01/1990
Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Assessment
with Descending Venography Published: 01/01/1990
Evaluation of Methods for Detecting Venous Reflux: Perspectives in Venous Insufficiency Published: 01/01/1990
Experimental Small-Bowel Transplantation: Alternative Strategies for Graft Prolongation Published: 12/01/1989
Kaposi's Sarcoma in a Transplanted Kidney Published: 07/01/1989
Successful Orthotopic Total Bowel Allotransplantation in the Rat Utilizing Low-Dose Cyclosporine Therapy Published: 02/01/1989
Lung Transplantation in Humans, with Emphasis on en Bloc Technique
for Simultaneous Bilateral Transplantation without the Heart Published: 02/01/1989
Long-term nutritional function of orthotopic small bowel autotransplants Published: 02/01/1989
Anti-Class II Antibody Production Prolongs Renal Allograft Survival Published: 01/01/1989
A Successful Model of Small Bowel
Autotransplantation in the Dog Published: 01/01/1989
A pressure-based technique for the detection of acute
and chronic venous obstruction Published: 12/01/1988
Long-term survival of orthotopic bowel allografts in the rat treated with short-term low-dose cyclosporine Published: 11/01/1988
Valve reconstruction procedures for chronic venous insufficiency Published: 06/02/1988
Valve Reconstruction Procedures
for Chronic Venous Insufficiency Published: 06/01/1988
Valve reconstruction procedures for nonobstructive venous insufficiency: Rationale, techniques, and results in 107 procedures with two- to eight-year follow-up Published: 02/02/1988
Twelve-hour and twenty four-hour preservation of small bowel allografts by simple hypothermia Published: 02/01/1988
Experimental Small Bowel Transplantation Published: 02/01/1988
Orthotopic Nonauxillary Total Bowel Transplantation Using Rats: Technical Procedure Published: 01/01/1988
Glutaraldehyde-Preserved Venous Valve Transplantation in the Dog Published: 01/01/1988
Reporting standards in venous disease Published: 01/01/1988
PTFE Grafts for Hemodialysis Access Published: 11/01/1987
New approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of venous obstruction Published: 07/01/1986
Late hemodynamic sequelae of deep venous thrombosis Published: 07/01/1986
Valvuloplasty and valve transfer Published: 10/01/1985
Experimental Small Bowel Transplantation Utilizing Cyclosporine Published: 12/01/1984
New Concepts in the Management of Venous Varicosities and Stasis Ulceration Published: 06/01/1984
The response of venous valvular endothelium to transplantation and in vitro preservation Published: 11/05/1983
Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia After Renal Transplantation Published: 10/01/1983
Suprahepatic vena caval cuff in liver transplantation Published: 06/13/1983
Venous Insufficiency of the Lower Limb and Stasis Ulceration: Changing Concepts and Management Published: 06/01/1983
A modification of the warren shunt Published: 07/06/1982
The Tenckhoff Catheter for Peritoneal Dialysis—An Appraisal Published: 01/01/1982
Infections after elective bypass surgery for lower limb ischemia: The influence of preoperative transcutaneous arteriography Published: 12/01/1981
Fluorescein Sodium Injection for Evaluation of Ureteric Vasculature Prior to Cadaveric Renal Transplantation Published: 08/21/1981
Brachial Plexus Compression: Complication of Delayed Recognition of Arterial Injuries of the Shoulder Girdle Published: 02/01/1981
Experimental Induction of Intrinsic Valve Stenosis Published: 09/01/1980
Noninvasive Diagnosis of Carotid Artery Disease Published: 11/01/1979
Shotgun Arterial Injuries of the Extremities Published: 09/01/1979
Ligation of Common Femoral Artery Above the Axillofemoral Bypass Anastomosis Published: 01/01/1979
Host response to allogeneic implants in the anterior chamber of the rat eye Published: 02/01/1978
Preoperative Demonstration of Pancreatic Fistula by Endoscopic Pancreatography in a Patient with Pancreatic Ascites Published: 02/01/1977
Aortic and Other Arterial Injuries Published: 05/01/1975
Acid secretory response to graded does of histamine after 'medical vagotomy' Published: 10/01/1966
Study of gastric acid secretion in hookworm
duodenitis Published: 01/01/1965